
Perks of delivery by night

DHL Freight Denmark started a delivery-by-night project back in 2017 based on shipping deliveries to construction sites, factories, and other ...

15. October 2021 / Reading time: ~ 2 Min.

CO2 targets: technology versus politics

[[:de]Die EU-Kommission hat ihre Vorschläge für eine verbindliche Reduzierung des Kohlendioxidausstoßes vorgestellt. Und die Lkw-Hersteller reagierten mit ungläubigem Staunen, und schlagen Alarm: Technisch nicht machbar, heißt es. Wirklich?[:]

1. February 2019 / Reading time: ~ 3 Min.

Crossing borders with ease

[From the current Logistics Performance Index by the World Bank: The countries with the highest ranking in border formality evaluations!

4. January 2019 / Reading time: ~ 1 Min.

Between a rock and a hard place?

[The trade conflict between the USA and Europe does not show any signs of abating, instead it could flare up any moment. Will your business be affected?

1. August 2018 / Reading time: ~ 1 Min.

Solid upward tendency

[Commentary on the current situation in the European logistics industry and the load factor during the first quarter 2018 from Martin Veen, Head of M&A & Strategic Projects, DHL Freight

4. July 2018 / Reading time: ~ 1 Min.