[Artificial Intelligence (AI) is among the foremost fields in scientific research. But are there any fields within the logistics industry where AI might become a real factor in the future?
Tag: Digitalization
Trusting the future of trucking
[The completely autnomous controlled truck will become a reality. That is a fact. But are consigners & such really ready to rely on the new technology?
Measurement in a flash
[MetriX Freight, the new solution for measuring the volume of packages, considerably reduces expenses in exhibition logistics.
Wicked features!
[Saloodo!, the digital freight exchange from DHL launched in January 2017, brings consignors and freight forwarders together on a single platform and is fully on the road to success: 4,900 transport companies are already signed up to offer customers services in 17 countries (as of May 2017).
Electronic power for better Business
[DHL relies on customer-oriented customizations of technologies such as electronic data interchange (EDI) for the best connections on the road. Lessons learned from new projects quickly benefit all customers.
Are you ready for industry 4.0?
[Job skills are changing rapidly as automation advances across almost every area of industry. What skills will people need as business embraces the fourth industrial revolution?
All facts at a glance?
[In its Logistics Performance Index (LPI), the World Bank ranks 160 states according to different logistics criteria – including the “ability to track and trace consignments”.
"The wheels of globalization cannot be turned back!"
"The wheels cannot be turned back!"
Netherlands is worldchampion!
[DHL Global Connectedness Index shows: global connectedness increases continualy and Netherlands is the world’s most connected country