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Agheera Wins the German Telematics Award 2016



For its Innovative Tracking Solution Agheera, provider of innovative solutions to increase supply chain visibility and flexibility, has once again demonstrated how advanced and ground-breaking its tracking services are for the logistics industry. Its innovative Track & Trace GPS Solar solution for container & swap body tracking was recently awarded the Deutsche Telematik Preis 2016 (German Telematics Award). Agheera’s telematics system passed a comprehensive testing regime developed by the telematics laboratory of Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW). The achievement was the result of more than six years of development by all former and current employees in its Technology, Operations and Systems departments. The GPS Solar is specially tailored to the tracking of non-powered assets and designed to run on solar energy for more than seven years. The solution, an autonomously power-supplied device with embedded cellular and GPS connectivity, stands out due to its durability, robustness and matured quality proven with more than 50,000 successful installations. The testing process was very comprehensive. The organization team categorizes submitted solutions in accordance to respective tracking & tracing applications. Based on a first evaluation, the best telematics systems of each category qualify for the finals and they undergo a comprehensive testing by the telematics laboratory of DHBW considering technical performance and usability. An expert jury then evaluates the submitted responses and the best solutions are nominated. Based on the gained results, the jury finally chooses the winner of each category. Agheera, which was founded in 2010 and is headquartered in Germany, provides real-time supply chain visibility services to industry customers and logistics companies. The company’s telematics services include consulting; real-time tracking solutions and primarily telematics data consolidation solutions, and its largest market for its end-to-end real time tracking services is hinterland transports in Europe. Serving more than 600 different enterprise and SME customers, Agheera utilizes and consolidates streams of real-time data across multiple providers and telematics devices on one platform to provide valuable information in an easy to use and easy to read fashion. In addition, its IT capabilities can interface with an increasing range of GPS providers across Europe, including TomTom NV and Transics.

Christoph Keisers Managing Director of Agheera
Christoph Keisers
Managing Director of Agheera

The company’s telematics consolidation solution gathers real-time tracking data from various stakeholders in the supply chain including forwarders; logistics service providers, hauliers and subcontractors. The aggregated raw data is converted into valuable information that can then be transferred to the user’s planning tools and monitored on the company’s Track.Agheera telematics platform.
Agheera’s end-to-end real-time tracking offering encompasses solutions for assets and shipments on all modes of transport including trucks, trailers, swap bodies and containers. In addition, The Track.Agheera user interface enables visualization of tracked assets and numerous functionalities including geofencing, report & business rule generation such as inventory reports, movement reports, alerting and notifications. The information can be integrated to resource planning IT systems like yard-, fleet-, transport- and warehouse management systems.
DHL Freight’s entire swap body fleet is equipped with Agheera’s swap body solution consisting of GPS Solar, connectivity service, mounting and hardware maintenance services and the telematics platform.
And as another indication of just how far Agheera has come in such a short time, this year also saw it recognized by the German business magazine Capital as one of the most innovative Business Models for Logistics in Germany.

To find out more how Agheera can help with your supply chain tracking needs, please contact the experts under


DHL Freight Connections



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