Trends / Reading time: ~ 1 Min.

2018 has been a success – and up we go!


Dear Customers, Business Partners and Friends of DHL Freight, 2018 is almost over and this is a good time now to look back at the months gone by: All in all, it has been a successful year! This applies to our industry sector as a whole, which has benefited from many orders. For us at DHL Freight, this year’s focus point has again been you as our customers. We have worked hard and successful as a team to further improve your satisfaction with our daily performance, our services and our products. We are proud that we did achieve this in 2018 and indeed were able to boost your satisfaction, as shown by the results of our Customer Satisfaction Survey 2018. This validates our strategy Freight 2020 as being the right path chosen. Nevertheless we do know that we have to work continuously to keep our quality at its high level. Also, we have moved and changed quite a lot on the operational side: We integrated new routes into our network and laid the foundation for a further expansion of it. The commissioning of a terminal in Manisa, Turkey, and the enlargement of our Bremen hub as well as the start of construction works in Vienna and Hanover send a very clear sign: We do invest in the future! But not only by building real estate. In the areas of software and procedures we also have significantly enhanced our performance capacity. The result is an improved productivity and increased transparency, from which you as customers benefit directly. And what can you expect from us in the upcoming year? In 2019 we again see you as our customers in the spotlight of our activities, and we will concentrate our work foremost on the fields in which our customer survey did show room for improvement. Regarding our products we will push the expansion of our standard groupage product DHL Freight EuroConnect. Our objective is an efficient, fully engaged and reliable running network all across Europe! In addition we will significantly expand our customs services. We are looking forward to offer you even more comprehensive attendances in this regard all across Europe than it is already the case. But first of all, on behalf of the whole team at DHL Freight I wish you a happy and peaceful holiday season as well as a successful year 2019! Warmly, yours

Uwe Brinks, Chief Executive Officer DHL Freight

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