Sustainability / Reading time: ~ 2 Min.

Customer-oriented and transparent: the new automated GoGreen Plus Reporting

DHL Group and DHL Freight are working with their customers to reduce the environmental footprint of transportation services. DHL Freight’s GoGreen Plus customers now automatically receive a concise and comprehensive report on their sustainable transportation solution through the GoGreen Plus Automated Reporting: a full overview of their own CO2e savings at shipment level.

What is GoGreen Plus Automated Reporting about?

To increase transparency for our customers regarding GoGreen Plus shipments, we have developed a special, automated GoGreen Plus Carbon Report that customers receive automatically when booking GoGreen Plus. Our new, innovative reporting system complements the established GoGreenPlus product very well and we are very proud of it.


The DHL Freight GoGreen Plus service has been THE pioneering insetting offer to reduce emissions in road freight since 2022. For further information on GoGreenPlus, click here.

Information on CO2e savings through the choice of environmentally friendly products is of strategic importance to companies, and the customer-oriented reporting solution provides these important data in detail.

Previously, we have issued certificates and a Carbon Report to GoGreen Plus customers regarding the amount of reduced emissions. Additionally, for our largest (CSI) customers, the DHL GoGreen Dashboard provides an additional overview of the emissions generated from various transport modes and DHL business units, making it easier for companies to conduct carbon reporting.

Now, with GoGreen Plus Automated Reporting, we are taking customer service and transparency to the next level. The GoGreen Plus Automated Reporting combines emissions data with financial data exclusively for GoGreen Plus shipments – complete with specific data for each individual shipment. By including financial data alongside emissions data in the report, also including the surcharges invested in GoGreen Plus, we enhance ecological transparency with financial transparency.

The key features of DHL Freight GoGreen Plus Automated Reporting

The innovative application offers tangible benefits:

  • With the new service, even customers with smaller distribution channels can book GoGreen Plus for their desired quantities and shipments. We are expanding the availability of GoGreen Plus and ensuring an audited report from the first shipment.
  • The data comes directly from our transport management system and is robust and reliable.
  • In addition, we ensure data quality through a systematic quality assurance process.
  • The emissions data is presented as "inset" and "generated." While the inset data shows the compensated (reduced) emission values, the generated data represents the corresponding diesel emissions for the transport. The inset emissions are displayed on both a Tank-to-Wheel basis (TtW – direct emissions only) and a Well-to-Wheel basis (WtW – all emissions including production).
  • The financial data with the GoGreen Plus surcharges is provided in local currency and in Euros.

How DHL Freight GoGreen Plus Automated Reporting Works

The GoGreen Plus Automated Reporting is fully automated. Customers receive the report automatically and do not need to take any further action.

The steps to the report at a glance:

  • Booking of shipments with the GoGreen Plus service
  • Company shipments are separately recorded as GoGreen Plus shipments in the DHL Freight Transport Management System.
  • Emissions and costs are automatically calculated for these shipments.
  • The GoGreen Report is automatically generated and validated by the internal quality management system.
  • On the 17th of the following month, the report is automatically and directly sent to customers.

How You Can Benefit from GoGreen Plus

Climate change is the greatest challenge of our time – and it affects all of us. However, it is not equally easy for every industry and every company to reduce their respective ecological footprint. With GoGreen Plus, we offer you the opportunity to reduce emissions in a simple way thanks to insetting – exactly where they occur. Your investment goes 100% into the use of green technologies within our network.

Start climate neutral shipping now

How DHL Freight GoGreen Plus Automated Reporting Helps to Meet Savings Goals

The GoGreen Plus Automated Reporting simplifies carbon reporting for businesses. Customers receive a complete overview of which emissions were generated when and where through sustainable transportation services and how much were saved compared to conventional transportation methods – and this in various levels of detail.

This allows our customers to determine to what extent the GoGreen Plus services contribute to reducing the overall CO2e balance of their value chain and whether other measures should achieve comparable savings.

As pioneers of sustainability in logistics, we at DHL Freight and DHL Group have our own ambitious climate goals and are happy to support our customers with green solutions to achieve their goals as well – together today for a sustainable economic world of tomorrow.

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