Business / Reading time: ~ 1 Min.

Quality creates trust


If you need a safe and secure delivery of your high-quality products to your customers, you need a competent partner. For 20 years, the global capsule manufacturer Qualicaps is relying on DHL Freight to handle deliveries to the pharmaceutical industry in Germany and abroad. Transporting medical products such as hard capsules is a real challenge. In order to ensure that these hollow, still unfilled tubes have a long shelf life, the temperature and humidity during transport and storage must be kept within certain limits. Qualicaps relies on DHL Freight to maintain these conditions in transport for two decades now. "If I had to describe the cooperation with DHL Freight in one word, it would be reliable," explains Milla Kosonen, Head of Purchasing at Qualicaps.

High quality products

When properly stored, Qualicaps promises its end customers in the pharmaceutical sector that its unfilled capsules will stay in pristine condition for five years. This is only possible by ensuring the highest quality on each step of the production and logistics chain: "Our manufacturing process and quality control from raw materials to the end product ensure that Qualicaps capsules meet the exacting standards of the pharmaceutical industry," says Kosonen. This applies to the capsules' pharmaceutical quality, the continued productivity of the machines that fill them, their stability through guaranteed shelf life, and their ability to protect the active ingredients they contain.

Quality is mandatory

Qualicaps also demands these high standards for the transportation of its products. The company has representatives in all major pharmaceutical markets, with production facilities and service teams in the US, Canada, Japan, Spain, Romania, and Brazil. The products are delivered all over the world. Transport requires flexibility and precision, not only due to the sensitive cargo, but also in response to last-minute changes, cancellations, or spontaneous customer orders. "The reasons why we initially chose DHL Freight were very clear: quality and professionalism of service," says Kosonen. DHL Freight meets Qualicaps' requirements with an experienced team and an efficient, global network that ensures safe and secure transport around the globe. "We are very satisfied with the service: Product delivery is reliable and the service quality is good," says Kosonen, praising the custom logistics solutions offered by DHL Freight. Her conclusion: "We would recommend DHL Freight to others."

Always in close contact

This good relationship with the customer is also the result of the close support provided by Carmen Mouzo and José Luis de Dios of DHL Freight Iberia. True to their mission statement of spending as much time as possible in contact with customers, they are in daily contact with Qualicaps via telephone, e-mail, or in person. Taking things for granted after two decades? Not here! They know Qualicaps and its demands and needs very well and can react to new challenges at an early stage. The trust they have thus established is the best basis for many more years of a satisfied partnership for both sides.

More about Qualicaps The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation (MCHC) through its Life Sciences Institute (LSII), which unites the Group's healthcare business. Qualicaps originated in 1897 within Eli Lilly & Co. as a capsule manufacturing plant at the company's headquarters in Indianapolis.

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