Business / Reading time: ~ 2 Min.

New IFS Certificate Awarded, Four ISO Certificates Confirmed: DHL Freight Delivers Highest Standards

DEKRA has renewed DHL Freight’s four ISO certifications, thus reaffirming our commitment to the highest standards throughout our value chain – something we are proud of and which benefits our customers and employees. With the additional IFS certification for food safety, we have demonstrated that we meet the highest quality requirements in yet another area.

Recertification Proves Continued Quality and Safety

ISO, the International Organization for Standardization, has established significant certifications for the logistics industry. DHL Freight has been awarded four ISO certifications since 2021. The independent certification body DEKRA conducts an annual audit of the certified companies. This gives you and us the assurance that we will continue to meet the industry’s high international standards in terms of service quality, sustainability, and employee orientation.

These global ISO certifications are reaffirmed:

  • ISO 9001: quality management
  • ISO 45001: occupational safety and health protection
  • ISO 14001: environmental management
  • ISO 50001: energy management

As a team, we have successfully achieved the renewal of our quality, sustainability, product safety, and occupational health and safety certificates – a strong testament to our teamwork, commitment, and shared focus on excellence.

Daniel Schümmer, Global Head of Certification Management DHL Freight

New IFS Certification for DHL Freight Germany and DHL FoodLogistics

DHL Freight Germany and DHL FoodLogistics have also been IFS certified for ten years – the certificate has now been renewed. The IFS (International Featured Standards) define detailed requirements for the quality and safety of food along the entire value chain, which must be met for IFS certification.

IFS Logistics is the standard within the IFS certification system for companies providing logistics services in the food sector. IFS Logistics assesses the quality and safety of activities in all logistics areas, be it transport, storage, distribution, or loading and unloading. The certificate applies to both food and non-food products, regardless of whether they need to be transported frozen, chilled, or ambient.

At DHL Freight, we now have another specific certification that our food customers can rely on, in addition to our GDP certificate for pharmaceutical transports, for example.

Our Certificates for Your Service Quality and Security

The reconfirmation of our ISO certificates and the new IFS certificate underscore the highest standards that DHL Freight sets for its own services. With each additional certificate, our service quality becomes even more comprehensive and secure. All of DHL Freight’s certifications together give you the confidence that you can always rely on us to provide you with the best possible logistics service for every shipment – reliably, efficiently, and sustainably.

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22. September 2017 / Reading time: ~ 1 Min.