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DHL Freight Logistics

Freight Connections, the logistics and road freight blog: information, reporting, and guides for companies and logistics professionals.


Diesel prices

[The price of oil has risen about 20 percent since the beginning of August and again surpassed the psychological mark of $ 50 per barrel, which has also boosted the price of diesel. The crucial aspect for the rise in oil prices was an improvement of the general mood on the oil market.

6. September 2016 / Reading time: ~ 1 Min.

Video of the month

A real heavy weight

30. August 2016 / Reading time: ~ 0 Min.

Future means unity

[The German federal transport infrastructure plan, European infrastructure problems, digitalization and environmental policy – these are all issues that are plaguing Germany's only economic cross-industry cleanup in the mobility sector. The President of the German Transport Forum, Dr. Ulrich Nußbaum, in an interview with DHL Freight Connections.

23. August 2016 / Reading time: ~ 2 Min.

Inside food logistics

[Always fresh - around the world.

18. August 2016 / Reading time: ~ 0 Min.

A truly in-depth idea

[Rails and roads in Switzerland will probably not be able to cope with the growing freight traffic of the future – the solution might lie beneath the earth.

16. August 2016 / Reading time: ~ 2 Min.

(We are) the robots

[Deutsche Post DHL study: Collaborative robots indispensible in the future of logistics.

9. August 2016 / Reading time: ~ 1 Min.

Transport barometer

[In the 2nd quarter of the year the European transport market recorded a slight cargo overhang with an average cargo to cargo space ratio of 52:48.

4. August 2016 / Reading time: ~ 1 Min.

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