[Concentrated energy in a small space – that is the recipe for the success of lithium-ion batteries. But as usage increases, so do the risks: The energy bundles are dangerous goods, which must be handled professional.
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Freight Connections, the logistics and road freight blog: information, reporting, and guides for companies and logistics professionals.
Innovation on the fly
[When pilots with opaque goggles can still see and when drones fly at over 100 kilometers per hour, adrenaline is the order of the day.
Please pay!
[There will be a lot of changes to the tolls in Europe in 2018 – unfortunately the trend is almost always upwards. What reforms can fleet operators and truck drivers expect? A selection of important new regulations in individual countries.
It's getting cramped
[Where do I park my truck? The search for parking spaces is becoming a daily negative experience for Europe’s truck drivers. A recent study points to potential approaches to solutions.
A motion of confidence?
A motion of confidence?
Key Alternative Drive Technologies for Trucks in Overview
Is the end of the combustion engine approaching even for trucks? If the transportation sector wants to make a greater ...
Hands off!
[650 miles without a driver through the southern United States – not an utopia, but rather a reality.
Demand remains strong in challenging market
Strong demand
Another kind of food-truck
[A toy truck which is not what it seems: Our video of the month is an inspiration for everybody with a sweet tooth.

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