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DHL Freight Logistics

Freight Connections, the logistics and road freight blog: information, reporting, and guides for companies and logistics professionals.


A mature process

[Due to their high sensitivity, the transportation of bananas is one of the major challenges in food logistics. DHL FoodLogistics has found the best way of transporting this popular fruit.

8. June 2018 / Reading time: ~ 2 Min.

The ball is moving again!

[Get the complete FIFA Football World Cup schedule: Starting on June 14, the whole world of football is looking towards Russia, when the best teams on the globe compete for the FIFA World Cup.

4. June 2018 / Reading time: ~ 1 Min.

Are E-Trucks the future?

[More and more truck manufacturers are betting on E-Drives. Established brands and newcomers alike find themselves in a neck-and-neck race.

24. May 2018 / Reading time: ~ 1 Min.

Uphill trend in March

[t the moment the market for Heavy Goods Vehicles of 16 tons and above does show a significant upswing.

22. May 2018 / Reading time: ~ 1 Min.

Lead indicator for Global Trade

[DHL is using artificial intelligence for trade forecasting. This gives companies an additional source of information for their business decisions.

17. May 2018 / Reading time: ~ 1 Min.

Trusting the future of trucking

[The completely autnomous controlled truck will become a reality. That is a fact. But are consigners & such really ready to rely on the new technology?

15. May 2018 / Reading time: ~ 0 Min.

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