Our customers may think of DHL in terms of parcels containing their online orders or, in the case of DHL ...
Tag: Logistics
Reduce returns, maintain high customer satisfaction: Advice for online retailers
Customer returns in e-commerce cause three things: extra work, extra costs, and extra environmental impact. Thus, it is all the ...
Digital Technology's Importance in the Logistics Industry
Digital technology has heavily revolutionized the logistics industry. Businesses can now leverage digitalization to change their existing processes, adapt to ...
What is Digital Logistics and how does it strengthen your business?
As the world becomes more connected and the Internet of Things (IoT) takes the logistics industry and supply chain by ...
6 Tips to Consider for Pallet Transport
In the transport industry, almost all types of goods are transported on pallets. The Euro pallet is the most common ...
How Freight Forwarders Calculate Their Transport Costs: An Insider's Guide
As a digital freight platform, Saloodo! positions itself between the loading companies and the forwarding agents or freight carriers carrying ...