DHL launches the new Global Connectedness Tracker, providing regular updates on the state of globalization in a compact format. The ...

In transport statistics, the modal split is the share of a mode of transport in the overall transport market. In other words, it represents the percentage distribution of transport performance or transport volume among different modes of transport. This makes the modal split a good tool for describing travel behaviour or the composition of transport. It is mainly determined by means of surveys, sometimes also by traffic counts. Freight transport and passenger transport are considered separately. The modal split is based on transport performance, which is expressed in tonne-kilometres or passenger-kilometres.
DHL launches the new Global Connectedness Tracker, providing regular updates on the state of globalization in a compact format. The ...
DHL Freight has opened a new state-of-the-art terminal in Berlin-Marienfelde. The location close to the city center provides excellent logistical ...
Our customers may think of DHL in terms of parcels containing their online orders or, in the case of DHL ...