DHL launches the new Global Connectedness Tracker, providing regular updates on the state of globalization in a compact format. The ...

Just in Time is an inventory management method used for reducing time within the production unit. In addition, JIT helps to increase efficiency and reduce waste by ordering materials only when needed.
Ultimately, JIT reduces inventory costs, and it ensures that the expectations of customers are met on time. The companies using the JIT methodology relies on accurate forecast of demand to process customer order adequately.
DHL launches the new Global Connectedness Tracker, providing regular updates on the state of globalization in a compact format. The ...
DHL Freight has opened a new state-of-the-art terminal in Berlin-Marienfelde. The location close to the city center provides excellent logistical ...
Our customers may think of DHL in terms of parcels containing their online orders or, in the case of DHL ...