The storage and transportation of goods, whether they are goods for sale or means of production, inevitably incur costs. Depending ...
Dangerous Goods Labelling
What is Dangerous Goods Labelling?
Dangerous goods labelling is the act of placing a sticker or paper on a transport vehicle shipping dangerous objects or substances.
Goods are transported around the world in a wide variety of ways, whether by air, land or sea - including dangerous goods which, by their nature, chemical and physical properties that pose certain risks to the general public. In order to ensure a uniform standard of safety, an internationally valid dangerous goods label has been introduced to guarantee safe and professional handling during the transport of dangerous goods.
Any goods with hazardous characteristics, whether petrol, chemicals, heating oil, fireworks or liquid gas, require clear labelling with slips of paper, stickers or warning signs, which must be attached to the respective vehicle or transport container in a clearly visible manner.
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