Business / Reading time: ~ 1 Min.

DHL Freight Integrates Spedition Gertner and Subsidiaries

Spedition Gertner Acquisition DHL Freight

DHL Freight is expanding: at the beginning of the year, the three companies Spedition Gertner GmbH, Gertner Eurotrans GmbH, and DHL Gertner International GmbH were acquired and now fully integrated into DHL Freight GmbH at the start of October. Before the acquisition, there was already a long-standing, trusting, and successful partnership. The takeover confirms the good cooperation and brings the competencies even closer together.

About Spedition Gertner

7,300 m² of transshipment area, 21,500 m² of property and 75 short-haul vehicles in operation: this is the location of the forwarding company in Altentreptow, north of Berlin. Here, about 130 employees handle more than 461,000 outgoing shipments per year, thereby creating a revenue of 17.5 million euros annually. The biggest customers include Webasto, WEKA Holzbau, and Kaufland, which will in future be serviced under the DHL Freight brand. The site’s branch manager will be Simone Zabel, who was previously part of the management team at Spedition Gertner.

Spedition Gertner summary

Since the company was founded in 1843, Spedition Gertner has continuously adapted to the specific needs of the market and most recently offered services in the distribution area in the northeast of Berlin in the fields of general cargo, partial and full loads for national and international customers. With the acquisition, DHL Freight also takes over the location and the service portfolio.

This Is How You Benefit from the Acquisition

The acquisition of Spedition Gertner provides its customers with a wide range of new opportunities and advantages through the integration into DHL Freight’s highly efficient pan-European logistics network. At the same time, DHL Freight is expanding its service portfolio in the distribution area northeast of Berlin. As such, all parties involved benefit equally from the takeover. 

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